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Vocational Training Programs

Plumbing and Heating

Take control of your future and take your first steps to a rewarding new career! Receive hands-on training, develop valuable problem-solving skills and technical expertise. With a diploma in plumbing and heating, you’ll be equipped to work in both residential and commercial settings. The demand for plumbing services is increasing, providing you with a stable and rewarding career path that can lead to a high salary, opportunities for advancement and even starting your own business.

This 1680 Diplôme d’Études Professionnelles (DEP), which includes a stage placement in industry, will prepare you to join the dynamic world of Plumbing and Heating.


High school diploma or Sec. IV English,
French & Math

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Program Description

The Plumbing and Heating program readies you for a career in a high demand industry. During your studies you will learn installation maintenance and modification of drainage, venting and water supply systems along with how to work with natural gas and propane burning systems. These skills will put you a cut above the competition and allow you to work in the residential, commercial and industrial sectors.

Our state-of-the-art facility provides students with a true to life learning environment. You will learn from seasoned industry professionals who are passionate about their trade. Our classroom environments focus on teamwork, problem solving, and learning through doing.

We also place an emphasis on developing leadership and interpersonal skills with the goal of readying you for a career. You will get to practice all of these skills while out on your professional stage, which in many cases has turned into job opportunities for our students.

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Did you know…

Plumbers are one of the most in demand and fast growing professions in Quebec.
While most plumbers work in the construction industry, you can find individuals working as plumbers in almost every sector of the Canadian economy from healthcare to education.
All active plumbers in the province of Quebec are part of the CMMTQ (Corporation des maîtres mécaniciens en tuyauterie du Québec).

Learn the trade that keeps the water flowing

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